6to4 status (again)
Brzozowski, John Jason
jjmb at jjmb.com
Tue Feb 26 13:24:39 CET 2013
We likely not turn our relays down until the traffic decreases
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Martin Millnert <martin at millnert.se> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> On 25 feb 2013, at 22:48, Kevin Day <kevin at your.org> wrote:
> >
> > I know this was brought up in November, but I didn't see much of a
> consensus…
> >
> > We run one of the public 6to4 relays. Lately traffic to it has been
> growing very rapidly and I'm really not sure why. Other people shutting
> their public relays down?
> Maybe.
> > More AAAA records are making more people fall back to 6to4?
> Unlikely, tunnels aren't used much for http, there aren't that many
> single-stacked high-volume IPv6-sites out there.
> > Idiots using it for DDoS?
> Unlikely.
> >
> > For most of 2012 the usage averaged about 50-100mbps, but lately we're
> seeing sustained levels of 500mbps-900mbps. I'd rather not deploy 10GE on
> our 6to4 box just to handle the traffic growth.
> A low-hanging fruit, so to speak, of an explanation, is that other
> networks' preference towards your relays in BGP has increased. That, or
> latency-improvements of your relay, are in my experience the two major
> sources of step-shift changes of relaying throughput.
> >
> > Has anyone here looked at public 6to4 usage recently and seen similar
> trends?
> Not recently, but a considerable time ago, and then i found that 98%+ of
> the throughput of a 6to4 and teredo-relay I ran was simply nothing more
> than a rendezvous point between the two tunneling protocols.
> Oh, and AAAA:s preferred in dual-stack scenarios by either are
> insignificant.
> DHT-clouds and Bittorrent-trackers however handle quite a bit of
> IPv6-nodes, assisted by large cable companies and similar's DPI bandwidth
> throttling boxes not handling the overlay protocols.
> >
> > Part of me is thinking we should just rate limit the box to something
> more reasonable. While it's still running, it'll be slow enough that
> hopefully people will move to a better transitional technology. My fear is
> that it will cause more "v6 sucks, it's so slow" and people shut it off
> without looking at why.
> Honestly, draw that argument to its conclusion and don't get caught in an
> inverse of the to me familiar stale mate of swedish public alcohol politics
> discussing the pros and cons of adding saturday opening hours of the state
> owned alcohol distribution monopoly(*).
> I.e., turn it off and do not look back. :-)
> Look ahead.
> Individuals shutting off 6to4 has very little bearing on the bottom line,
> i think.
> Best regards,
> Martin
> * "it's a state operated monopoly so that people don't drink themselves to
> death [which people do if the alcohol shop is open, apparently], but it
> would be convenient if it's open a bit more"
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