IPV6/ASN Sponsoring

Pim van Pelt pim at ipng.nl
Fri Aug 23 12:51:49 CEST 2013


2013/8/23 Tayeb Meftah <tayeb.meftah at gmail.com>:

> please can someone spansore us a ASN and a V6 Block so we start implementing
> our test lab in 4 diferent continan through hosting using OVH in france, and
> linode in Asia/USA, and our own server in africa?

I have some concerns regarding your choice of technical solution. You
could trivially use unicast servers in N locations and a geo-ip aware
frontpage which can bounce (http redirect) users to the best server
and thereby avoiding the costs. Technical discussion set aside, in
case others on this list are interested in some form of sponsorship, I
wanted to point out that your website (http://www.vobradio.org/) and
the radio program itself seems to be very vocal about certain
political points of view.


Pim van Pelt <pim at ipng.nl>
PBVP1-RIPE - http://www.ipng.nl/

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