IPv6 Ignorance

Seth Mattinen sethm at rollernet.us
Sun Sep 16 19:43:55 CEST 2012

On 9/16/12 9:53 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> I came across these threads today; the blind ignorance towards IPv6 from
> some of the posters is kind of shocking. It's also pretty disappointing
> if these are the people providing internet access to end users. We focus
> our worries on the big guys like AT&T going IPv6 (which I'm sure but
> they're slow), but these small operators are a much bigger problem.
> http://forum.ubnt.com/showthread.php?p=355722
> http://forum.ubnt.com/showthread.php?t=53779

It was brought to my attention that the second link isn't open to the
public, sorry about that, I forgot to check them in a separate browser.
The attitudes are the same though.


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