Question: Sharing an IP-connection

Thomas Schäfer thomas at
Mon May 21 16:36:07 CEST 2012

Am 21.05.2012 16:13, schrieb Marc Blanchet:

> what you are describing is either: a) a provider that does offer a
> prefix for your LAN but you are not requesting it. b) a provider that
> does not offer any prefix for your LAN.
> You should start trying solving a) by starting an instance of a
> DHCPv6 client and requesting a prefix (DHCPv6-PD). if no answer, then
> you are probably in b) mode. In this latter case, complain to your
> ISP.

a:) I get no DHCP at this point, but a have to check it more in detail, 
also what RA is telling me.
If I am correctly informed, I have the "choice" between ppp with 
DHCPv6-PD via serial interface or simply SLAAC/RA via 
ethernet-like-interface. The latter is preferred mode.

b:) this is a mobile device, for one device one /64 should be enough.

b,1) to complain the ISP seems useless to me, it is a test-system

The only thing I want to have is a comfortable method to share some IPs 
- I have 2⁶⁴ and it seems more difficult than NAT in the old IPv4-days.



There’s no place like ::1

Thomas Schäfer (Systemverwaltung)
Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung
Oettingenstraße 67 Raum C109
80538 München ☎ +49/89/2180-9706  ℻ +49/89/2180-9701

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