Skype & IPv6

Dick Visser visser at
Wed Feb 15 15:14:07 CET 2012

It's a kind of an ironic story, NAT was a workaround for IPv4 address shortage.
The whole world uses that now, but it turned out to have all kinds of
negative side-effects for certain applications that need e2e.
Skype created a workaround for that (one that really works well), so
the whole world now uses their software.
Unfortunately their 'workaround for a workaround' is so tied into the
first workaround (NAT) that it doesn't work with real solution (IPv6).

On 15 February 2012 14:54, Jens Weibler <jens.weibler at> wrote:
> On 15.02.2012 14:50, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
>> I wonder...
>> The Big Feature of Skype is that it just works out of virtually
>> any firewall / NAT out there, and scales (because of P2P network
>> technology) better than pure central-server SIP-VOIP providers.
>> But with a transparent (e.g. IPv6) network, I can let my
>> standard-protocol SIP phone( application)s talk to each other directly,
>> so why do I want Skype?
> the possibility of direct end to end communication doesn't necessarily means
> that it is allowed.
> Many firewalls will still filter some ports. Programs will migrate from NAT
> punching to firewall punching ;)
> --
> Jens Weibler
> IT-Services
> Hochschule Darmstadt
> University of Applied Sciences
> Fachbereich Informatik
> Schöfferstr. 8b
> D-64295 Darmstadt
> Tel +49 6151 16-8425
> Fax +49 6151 16-8935
> jens.weibler at

Dick Visser
System & Networking Engineer
TERENA Secretariat
Singel 468 D, 1017 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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