Switches Juniper

Tore Anderson tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com
Wed Oct 19 09:31:36 CEST 2011

* Arturo Servin

> I was going to to buy some juniper switches (ERX3200) but Juniper
> sales representative told to my local distributor that IPv6 requires
> a "special licence" and to pay more. They also wanted the list of
> "protocols" that we require to run IPv6 (I just forwarded them the
> list that they have in its own brochure -
> http://www.juniper.net/us/en/local/pdf/datasheets/1000216-en.pdf -)
> Before going and buying Cisco or any other brand I wanted to ask the
> list if you have had a recent experience on this type with Juniper
> and if this is really true or just another sales person without clue
> about v6.

It is true if you want to run OSPF or RIP. While OSPFv2 and RIPv2 is in
the base JUNOS licence, you need the «Advanced Feature Licence» in order
to run OSPFv3 and RIPng. See:

Apart from that, there's licencing parity between IPv4 and IPv6 as far
as I know. We have quite a few EX-es (4500s and 4200s), hand have had no
real problems with their IPv6 capabilities, except for one thing - the
interface counters in IPv6-MIB doesn't work (they always report 0).

> I do not mind to pay more for licences with special features or to
> pay more for better software, I just find hilarious from Juniper to
> treat IPv6 as "special".


Tore Anderson
Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com

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