Unwanted RA on LAN

Rod James Bio rjubio at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 08:05:57 CET 2011


    I've been seeing 2002:ca5a::/32 advertise on our LAN recently, 
actually it's two /64 advertised by two machine. I was wondering if 
anybody had any past experience on this? I would like to know what 
application or operating system feature is causing this so I could 
disable it and remove this RA's on our LAN. Already search Google about 
this but no luck in finding anything. Below is the output of /ifconfig 
/on my workstation. Thank you.

       inet6 addr: 2002:ca5a:9f36:4:216:eaff:fec5:ebc/64 Scope:Global

       inet6 addr: 2002:ca5a:9f5a:9:216:eaff:fec5:ebc/64 Scope:Global


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