From the dualstack-is-fun department...

Cameron Byrne cb.list6 at
Tue Mar 1 16:41:10 CET 2011

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:22 AM, Gert Doering <gert at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 04:32:49PM +0900, Erik Kline wrote:
>> Well, there's always the much-hated whitelisting approach...
> Which would not have helped Daniel at all...  he has working v6, he
> has a whitelisted provider, but "something in his personal setup is
> not working"
> (I assume that the underlying problem here is "bridging from a VM to a
> wifi network", since wifi is bad at the "use a different MAC for the VM
> thingie" - but it could be any number of things breaking locally, even
> if you're nicely whitelisted)

White-listing, as i understand it, is about containment to control the
negative impacts of those who do not know or care about this "ipv6"
you speak of.  White-listing just allows the ISP and content provider
to make planful steps towards IPv6, vs Huge-Content-Player hit the
switch on IPv6 now my helpdesk is overloaded, and people use an
alternate huge content player.

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