In an IPv6 future, how will you solve IPv4 connectivity?

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at
Mon Oct 11 18:47:19 CEST 2010

On 10/10/2010 10:31 PM, Drake Wilson wrote:
> Quoth Ted Mittelstaedt<tedm at>, on 2010-10-10 22:15:40 -0700:
>> 1) Public IPv4 only
>> 2) dual stack public IPv4/IPv6
>> 3) Private (natted) IPv4 only
>> 4) Dual stack public IPv6 / private (natted) IPv4
>> #1 will be 5% higher than rack rate.  #2 will be 4% higher
>> than rack rate. #3 1%-2% higher than rack rate  #4 will be
>> rack rate.
> I'm curious whether and how you plan to enforce the distinctions
> between (1) and (2), and (3) and (4). It seems to me that unless you
> do some moderately intrusive checks to ensure that they're responsive
> on both addresses, a customer could simply disable their IPv6 stack
> and go "haha, now I don't have to contribute to the environment, but I
> still get the lower price".  (Here I'm assuming you're talking about
> either home users or colo, since it's not totally clear to me which of
> your services you're describing above.)
>     --->  Drake Wilson

This is all home users.  Colo is different, a lot of colo customers have
their own routers that don't speak IPv6 and each of those customers
will be handled individually.  Frankly, by definition, anything that is
colo is a server and will need to be responsive on both networks.

If they "cheat" that's perfectly fine with us.  Much of the IPv6 
transition is what you would call "brainshare"  Most customer CPE's (DSL 
modems with integrated NAT routers) don't have support for IPv6 anyway 
and the only way the customer will be even able to access the IPv6 side 
of the stack is to put the DSL modem into bridged mode and use a more 
capable router behind it.

A customer may disable IPv6 on their account - in fact we don't really
even expect that they will enable it.  But, every month (or quarterly or
whatever) their bill will arrive with "IPv6" on it - and sooner or later
a buddy of theirs is going to start yakking to them about how they "have 
IPv6" and our hope is that this will make them think of us and
come to us when they want information about this "new IPv6 thing"  When
a customer calls you on the phone you look a lot better to say "Your
interested in IPv6?  Well we already deliver it to you, this is what
you need to do to access it..."  instead of saying "well if you want it
there's this bureaucratic paperwork nonsense we have to go through to
turn it on..."

The other thing is that there's a certain number of customers who have
messed up systems, and they immediately assume that anything that we 
change on our end is immediately responsible for problems with their
messed up systems.  So we will send out a notice like this and I'm 
positive that some customers will insist that the dual stacking is
causing their DSL modem to run slower or some such rubbish - and we have
no problems charging them a bit of extra money to have "pure IPv4"


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