DHCPv6 for IPv6 routing information, was Re: Mysterious missing DHCPv6 feature

bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com
Mon May 17 09:40:11 CEST 2010

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 09:19:55AM +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Mon, 17 May 2010, Shane Kerr wrote:
> >Strangely, rather than saying "look we have DNS information in DHCPv6 so 
> >we don't need it in RA", the tactic was taken to create a RA that 
> >includes DNS servers. Which sort of seems like TWO protocols to solve a 
> >particular problem. Oh well, at least it's only EXPERIMENTAL (RFC 5006).
> People said that, but there was a big push to have DNS in RA and now there 
> is push to have routing in DHCPv6, so I think it'll happen, we'll have 
> quite a lot of overlap.
> -- 
> Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike at swm.pp.se

	what was hard to digest was the fact that the base IPv6 architeecture
	only works for about 85% of the existing use cases. That leaves about
	15% of existing, core use cases where the default IPv6 tool suite
	won't work as advertized or will screw up everything..  case in point,
	an internet exchange on shared media (yeah, these are increasingly rare
	but work w/ me here)  I've got a dozen routers on the same media, all
	running RA - telliing/shouting to all the other routers - NO, USE ME!
	ND (neighboor discovery) has the same problems in a multi-homed network.

	It is for this reason, the other 15% that fall outside the "norm" that
	we need something like DHCP that is address family agnostic or I'm back to 
	hardcoding config data.


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