IPv6 brokenness in Norway, (first part of) Jan 2010

Tore Anderson tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com
Tue Feb 2 12:44:58 CET 2010

Hey list,

unfortunatly the customer who has helped me out with enrolling their
readers in my IPv6 experiment rolled out new HTML templates on their
site the 12th, and forgot about the IFRAME link.  So I don't have data
worth much for the remainder of the month.  I didn't plan on sending out
the report for this month because of that, but several people asked
about it so what the heck.  There's no exciting news in the numbers, I'm
afraid.  Opera still haven't released a version with RFC 3484
compliance.  :-/

I got another customer of mine, VG Multimedia (which runs Norway's
largest web site www.vg.no), to join the experiment yesterday, so
hopefully I'll have better numbers for you next month.

BTW:  Congrats to the Google people on the YouTube v6 deployment!  :-)

Best regards,
Tore Anderson
Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com/
Tel: +47 21 54 41 27
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