IPv6 WWW service

Matt Ryanczak ryanczak at arin.net
Tue Nov 24 13:07:06 CET 2009

Works from here. I do not see the DNS problems others reported either. I
assume you got that fixed. 

It looks like you're using an OCCAID tunnel or peering? Given your on
the opposite side of the world the connection looks good. 

 1. 2001:500:4:15::1                                                                       0.0%    11    0.9   0.5   0.4   0.9   0.1
 2. 2001:500:4:14::254                                                                     0.0%    11    1.5   0.5   0.2   2.2   0.7
 3. cha-inner.arin.net                                                                     0.0%    11    0.4   0.5   0.3   0.7   0.1
 4. cr3.arin.net                                                                           0.0%    11    1.1   1.1   1.0   1.3   0.1
 5. cr2-ptp.arin.net                                                                       0.0%    11    4.5   4.6   4.0   6.9   0.8
 6. cr6.arin.net                                                                           0.0%    11    4.8   5.3   4.8   8.3   1.0
 7. bbr01-ve102.asbn01.occaid.net                                                          0.0%    11    5.4   5.4   5.3   5.5   0.1
 8. bbr01-g1-0.atln01.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    11   18.9  19.3  18.9  21.0   0.6
 9. bbr01-p1-0.dlls01.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    11   52.7  53.2  52.3  57.4   1.7
10. dcr01-p1-5.lsan01.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    11   98.5  99.3  98.3 105.6   2.2
11. bbr01-g0-2.irvn01.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    11  102.6 102.2  99.2 119.7   6.2
12. dcr01-g1-2.psdn01.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    10  101.4 103.1 100.7 109.4   3.3
13. bbr01-f1-5.snfc02.occaid.net                                                           0.0%    10  118.6 113.6 112.5 118.6   1.9
14. cybernet-ic-1019-sfo.customer.occaid.net                                               0.0%    10  399.1 399.0 398.3 399.5   0.4
15. 2001:4538:100::2                                                                       0.0%    10  397.4 398.9 397.4 404.7   2.4


On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 03:07 -0500, FAHAD ALI KHAN wrote:
> Guys
> I have setup Dual stack web server, running personal blog. I have
> applied for IPv6 Forum – IPv6 enabled WWW logo program, but it shows
> IPv6 HTTP access test was failed, whereas in my opinion & testing its
> UP & Running. I wish if anyone on IPv6 please check
> fahad.xpedientonline.net is available or not. 
> Initially I feel it might be the MTU issue, but I have set both router
> & server interface’s MTU to 1280B (which is on Native v6) and Router
> is than Tunnel to IPv6 ISP in UK (Tunnel IPv6 MTU is 1480). Can anyone
> suggest me, where I am lacking?
> If replies are not suitable for this forum than please check & reply
> to me directly.
> I hope, ppls will help me to solve this.
> Regards
> Fahad

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