IPv6 WWW service

Jeroen Wunnink jeroen at easyhosting.nl
Tue Nov 24 09:17:27 CET 2009

Might want to create an AAAA record for fahad.xpedientonline.net, or 
noone will know which IPv6 address to go to ;-)

Macbook-Jeroen-2:~ jeroenwu$ dig aaaa fahad.xpedientonline.net

; <<>> DiG 9.6.0-APPLE-P2 <<>> aaaa fahad.xpedientonline.net
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 17300
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;fahad.xpedientonline.net.    IN    AAAA

> Guys
> I have setup Dual stack web server, running personal blog. I have 
> applied for IPv6 Forum – IPv6 enabled WWW logo program, but it shows 
> IPv6 HTTP access test was failed, whereas in my opinion & testing its 
> UP & Running. I wish if anyone on IPv6 please check 
> fahad.xpedientonline.net <http://fahad.xpedientonline.net> is 
> available or not.
> Initially I feel it might be the MTU issue, but I have set both router 
> & server interface’s MTU to 1280B (which is on Native v6) and Router 
> is than Tunnel to IPv6 ISP in UK (Tunnel IPv6 MTU is 1480). Can anyone 
> suggest me, where I am lacking?
> If replies are not suitable for this forum than please check & reply 
> to me directly.
> I hope, ppls will help me to solve this.
> *Regards*
> *Fahad*


Met vriendelijke groet,

Jeroen Wunnink,
EasyHosting B.V. Systeembeheerder
systeembeheer at easyhosting.nl

telefoon:+31 (035) 6285455              Postbus 48
fax: +31 (035) 6838242                  3755 ZG Eemnes


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