ipv6-ops Digest, Vol 56, Issue 6
trejrco at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 13:16:27 CET 2009
Where do the 192:192:168:168:1:1:1:1 come from? What builds an IPv6 address
this way from its IPv4 (rfc1918) addr and why??
On Nov 17, 2009 6:00 AM, <ipv6-ops-request at lists.cluenet.de> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Top Websites Running IPv6 (Mike Leber)
2. Re: Top Websites Running IPv6 (Daniel Verlouw)
3. Re: Top Websites Running IPv6 (Mike Leber)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 02:18:07 -0800
From: Mike Leber <mleber at he.net>
Subject: Top Websites Running IPv6
To: ipv6-ops at lists.cluenet.de
Message-ID: <4B02785F.8030402 at he.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
I updated the report that we run at
http://bgp.he.net/ipv6-progress-report.cgi to check the Alexa top 1
million websites. We now also check www. and ipv6. for each domain as
well. It reveals that quite a few major websites have either added AAAA
records for their main website or are testing ipv6 at an ipv6. subdomain.
Below is copy of the new section for your entertainment.
Top Websites Running IPv6
A very quick way to measure IPv6 deployment for websites is just to
check for a AAAA record in DNS.
Alexa provides an approximate list of the most popular sites on the web.
In the report below, the raw domain is the base domain, such as free.fr,
which does not have an AAAA record (at the time of this writing).
However www.free.fr *does* have a AAAA record. So we check both.
Another convention is to add an AAAA using ipv6 as a subdomain, i.e.
ipv6.google.com. The reason so many domains show up as having A records
for "ipv6." subdomains is because many domains use wildcard records in
DNS which respond to queries for any subdomain.
Alexa Top 1 Million Domains Downloaded: Sat Nov 14 21:47:15 2009
Alexa Top 1 Million Domains Processed: Sat Nov 14 22:25:51 2009
Alexa 1M raw domains: 1000000
Alexa 1M raw with a direct IPv4 address: 924219
Alexa 1M raw with a direct IPv6 address: 1441
(top 50)
ucla.edu 2607:f010:3fe:201:101d:9ff:fe32:adee
tribune.com 2002:a3c0:1712::a3c0:1712
internic.net 2620:0:2d0:200::9
freebsd.org 2001:4f8:fff6::28
gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
monash.edu.au 2001:388:608c:c91::117
animesuki.com 2001:4d88:ffff:ffff:30:524:ac23:2
koreus.com 2001:41d0:2:4133::1
geenstijl.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
python.org 2001:888:2000:d::a2
filezilla-project.org 2a01:198:200:5b7::2
spitsnieuws.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
kino.de 2001:a60:9003:a000::b004
torrentfreak.com 2607:f128:40::174
ripe.net 2001:610:240:11::c100:1319
fedoraproject.org 2610:28:200:1::fed0:1
cyberciti.biz 2607:f0d0:1002:11::4
hentai-foundry.com 2607:f0d0:1003:c::30
keenspot.com 2001:470:1:3a::13
snotr.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
icann.org 2620:0:2d0:200::7
crooksandliars.com 2001:470:a068:1:230:48ff:fe98:d1a8
softlayer.com 2607:f0d0:1000:11:1::2
itb.ac.id 2001:d30:3::22
infomaniak.ch 2001:1600:3:7::101
bayimg.com 2a01:298:3:1:1337::13
comicgenesis.com 2001:470:1:3a::14
steadfast.net 2607:f128::2
mediabiz.de 2001:a60:9003:a000::b00d
pastebin.ca 2610:1e8:2:20::e8b8:97
stream.ru 2a02:28:2::1076
weeronline.nl 2001:888:30af::206:85
maxconsole.net 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
he.net 2001:470:0:76::2
fernuni-hagen.de 2002:84b0:8101::84b0:8101
exchangecash.de 6563:6173:6802:6465:0:1c00:100:0
pcc.edu 192:192:168:168:1:1:1:1
sify.com 2001:e48:0:10::10
iana.org 2620:0:2d0:1::193
torrentbits.ro 2001:4d18:0:1::32
geenstijl.tv 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
starlink.ru 2a00:e78::7
netbynet.ru 2a00:d18:f00d:d401:fe0b:101:0:67
rcts.pt 2001:690:a00:1036:804::111
cbn.net.id 2001:d10:2:80::80
liu.se 2001:6b0:17:f005::148
phoenixlabs.org 2001:0:53aa:64c:4cc:2161:b717:a85
ubuntu.ru 2001:780:0:25:206:5bff:fe04:8bcb
luc.edu 192:192:168:168:1:1:1:1
menagea3.net 2001:470:1:3a::13
www. + Alexa 1M domains: 1000000
www. + Alexa 1M with a direct IPv4 address: 970789
www. + Alexa 1M with a direct IPv6 address: 1904
(top 50)
www.ucla.edu 2607:f010:3fe:301:101d:9ff:fe32:a7db
www.sakura.ne.jp 2001:e40:100:407::d2e0:ac35
www.free.fr 2a01:e0c:1:1599::1
www.doctissimo.fr 2a01:7b0:2:3::26
www.dti.ne.jp 2001:2e8:22:13::103
www.odn.ne.jp 2001:278:0:1106::4
www.leaseweb.com 2001:1af8:3100:1:214:22ff:fe1e:d380
www.ripe.net 2001:610:240:11::c100:1319
www.monash.edu.au 2001:388:608c:c91::117
www.kddi.com 2001:268:fd02::1
www.gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
www.freebsd.org 2001:4f8:fff6::21
www.internic.net 2620:0:2d0:200::9
www.koreus.com 2001:41d0:2:4136::1
www.animesuki.com 2001:4d88:ffff:ffff:30:524:ac23:2
www.geenstijl.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
www.kino.de 2001:a60:9003:a000::b003
www.spitsnieuws.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
www.torrentfreak.com 2607:f128:40::174
www.tvrage.com 2a02:898::110:1
www.rmc.fr 2001:41d0:1:7b1f::1
www.snotr.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
www.ulaval.ca 2620:0:1af0:144:ffff::fff2
www.fedoraproject.org 2610:28:200:1::fed0:1
www.icann.org 2620:0:2d0:200::7
www.spele.nl 2a00:f80::10
www.ietf.org 2001:1890:1112:1::20
www.arin.net 2001:500:4:13::81
www.hentai-foundry.com 2607:f0d0:1003:c::30
www.k12.pa.us 2001:5e8:0:1000::fc
www.keenspot.com 2001:470:1:3a::13
www.comicgenesis.com 2001:470:1:3a::14
www.01net.com 2001:41d0:1:118::1
www.hitachi.co.jp 2001:240:400::8591:e013
www.iastate.edu 2610:130:101:102::f0
www.cuhk.edu.hk 2405:3000:3:b0:137:189:11:71
www.ntua.gr 2001:648:2000:de::210
www.rtbf.be 2001:1600:3:6::101
www.nta.go.jp 2001:c80:a001:1::cad9:2c8f
www.up.pt 2001:690:2200:a10::13
www.cyberciti.biz 2607:f0d0:1002:11::4
www.steadfast.net 2607:f128::2
www.infomaniak.ch 2001:1600:3:7::101
www.softlayer.com 2607:f0d0:1000:11:1::1
www.maine.edu 2610:48:100:820::103
www.univie.ac.at 2001:62a:4:1::80:108
www.itb.ac.id 2001:d30:3::22
www.upc.edu 2001:40b0:7500:1::21
www.liu.se 2001:6b0:17:f005::148
www.nnm-club.ru 2001:470:1f0a:1505::2
ipv6. + Alexa 1M domains: 1000000
ipv6. + Alexa 1M with a direct IPv4 address: 243852
ipv6. + Alexa 1M with a direct IPv6 address: 1031
(top 50)
ipv6.netflix.com 2620:0:ef0:13::20
ipv6.2ch.net 2407:3000:6:175::12
ipv6.comcast.net 2001:558:1002:5:68:87:64:48
ipv6.google.com 2001:4860:b004::68
ipv6.google.co.jp 2001:4860:b002::68
ipv6.berkeley.edu 2607:f140:ffff:ffff::80
ipv6.zerolag.com 2001:470:1e::9
ipv6.seznam.cz 2a02:598:1::101
ipv6.21cn.com 2042:8800:1::3
ipv6.denic.de 2001:608:6::1
ipv6.iwiw.hu 2001:4c48:2:a::1
ipv6.freemail.hu 2001:4c48:2:f::100
ipv6.bt.com 2002:c171:3a71::1
ipv6.pku.edu.cn 2001:da8:201:1129:203:baff:fe2f:163c
ipv6.sony.co.jp 2001:cf8:0:6b::190
ipv6.df.eu 2a00:1158:0:100::3
ipv6.koreus.com 2001:41d0:2:4233::1
ipv6.vt.edu 2001:468:c80:210f:0:1c6:1a85:8564
ipv6.tsinghua.edu.cn 2001:da8:1:100::80
ipv6.24ur.com 2001:6f8:919::1
ipv6.dyndns.com 2607:f590:0:ffff::29
ipv6.gatech.edu 2001:468:300:ee01:a00:2bff:fec4:4e8e
ipv6.gazeta.pl 2a02:bd8:1::50fc:91
ipv6.italiansubs.net 2001:41d0:1:8364::1
ipv6.monash.edu.au 2001:388:608c:c91::117
ipv6.bsnl.co.in 2001:4490:100:ff:3::
ipv6.hopto.org 2001:470:8:145::1
ipv6.sify.com 2001:e48:0:6::5
ipv6.spoluzaci.cz 2a02:598:1::102
ipv6.twbbs.org 2001:e10:6840:20:20f:eaff:fe56:ea22
ipv6.peta.org 2001:4978:f:36f::2
ipv6.afraid.org 2001:470:d19b::203
ipv6.ku.ac.th 2001:3c8:1303:1125::18
ipv6.ovh.com 2001:41d0:1:10::d5ba:2122
ipv6.comicgenesis.com 2001:470:1:3a::14
ipv6.eircom.net 2001:bb0:dd0::2
ipv6.atw.hu 2a01:270::4
ipv6.unm.edu 3ffe:2900:11:10::1
ipv6.rtvslo.si 2a02:7a8:0:1::80:1
ipv6.itb.ac.id 2001:d30:3::19
ipv6.sjtu.edu.cn 2001:da8:8000:1::80
ipv6.weeronline.nl 2001:888:30af::206:87
ipv6.infomaniak.ch 2001:1600::ffff
ipv6.nnm-club.ru 2001:470:1f0a:1505::2
ipv6.lsu.edu 2620:0:da0:f001::7
ipv6.iana.org 2620:0:2d0:1::194
ipv6.trueinternet.co.th 2001:fb0:100:1:58:97:5:30
ipv6.gsa.gov 2620:0:150:ffad::5
ipv6.spele.nl 2a00:f80::10
ipv6.uni-erlangen.de 2001:638:a00:2::2
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:42:08 +0100
From: Daniel Verlouw <daniel at bit.nl>
Subject: Re: Top Websites Running IPv6
To: Mike Leber <mleber at he.net>
Cc: ipv6-ops at lists.cluenet.de
Message-ID: <1258454528.13409.10.camel at daniel.office.bit.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain
On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 02:18 -0800, Mike Leber wrote:
> gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> geenstijl.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> spitsnieuws.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> snotr.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> maxconsole.net 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> geenstijl.tv 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> www.gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
[...etc... you get the picture]
JFYI: these are all AAAA records pointing to an IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy. The
actual sites themselves don't have native IPv6 connectivity.
daniel at daniel:~$ dig -x 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131 +short
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 02:50:19 -0800
From: Mike Leber <mleber at he.net>
Subject: Re: Top Websites Running IPv6
To: Daniel Verlouw <daniel at bit.nl>
Cc: ipv6-ops at lists.cluenet.de
Message-ID: <4B027FEB.6020503 at he.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Daniel Verlouw wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 02:18 -0800, Mike Leber wrote:
>> gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> geenstijl.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> spitsnieuws.nl 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> snotr.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> maxconsole.net 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> geenstijl.tv 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
>> www.gamershell.com 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131
> [...etc... you get the picture]
> JFYI: these are all AAAA records pointing to an IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy. The
> actual sites themselves don't have native IPv6 connectivity.
> daniel at daniel:~$ dig -x 2a00:d00:ff:131:94:228:131:131 +short
> ipv6proxy.prolocation.net.
Yep, and if you look closely at the others listed you'll find other
anomalous entries that either indicate interesting transitional choices
or outright mistakes. If notice something like that and know any of the
people involved you might make a polite inquiry.
In any case, AAAA records are getting added for major websites.
ipv6-ops mailing list
ipv6-ops at lists.cluenet.de
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