Question about 6to4

Brielle Bruns bruns at
Fri May 15 06:47:55 CEST 2009

On 5/14/09 6:51 PM, niels=cluenet at wrote:
> * martin at (Martin List-Petersen) [Fri 15 May 2009, 01:46 CEST]:
>> OpenWRT and DD-WRT (haven't looked at them lately) offer IPv6, but no
>> GUI configuration for it.
> DD-WRT dumped IPv6 support years ago (after v22; current is v24), citing
> lack of space
> -- Niels.

Thats not true - if you get the std nokaid version, the module for ipv6 
is present, you just need to load it and configure it via the 
shell/command line.  IIRC, the mega versions also include it as well.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group    /

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