IPv6 Subnet tool

Martin List-Petersen martin at airwire.ie
Thu Jan 15 03:55:15 CET 2009

Jay Hennigan wrote:
> David Conrad wrote:
>> On Jan 14, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
>>> Perhaps I'm just not seeing the problem that assigning a /56 solves.
>> How many /12s, /18s, /19s, and even /32s are their in IPv6 compared to
>> IPv4?  :-)
> Exactly the same number.
> But each of them is a *substantially* larger subnet.

That's ok, as long as they don't start poluting the global routing table
by splitting things.

Then, we can always start aggregating that crap as we see fit or take a
policies like some stupid tier 1, who decided not to route anything less
than a /32, disregard of allocation size by RIR.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen
Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobal an Iarthar
Phone: 091-865 968

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