Mark Schouten marks at bit.nl
Thu May 22 20:16:55 CEST 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 17:06 +0200, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Hi!
> > - lack of anti-spam/virus IPv6-capable tools (compared to IPv4)
> Is there any SMTP BL available which serves answers for IPv6 adress
> space ? This sounds like it's highly required 8-)

We were able to get Spamhaus to allow us to serve a IPv6 enabled

mark at net:~$ dig +short k.ns.spamhaus.org. AAAA

We also tried URIBL, but they weren't ready for it yet.

Unfortunatly, rbldns doens't support IPv6 yet as data. The author
doesn't seem to know when he'll implement it, yet.

Mark Schouten, Unix/NOC-engineer
BIT BV      | info at bit.nl | +31 318 648688
MS8714-RIPE | B1FD 8E60 A184 F89A 450D  A128 049B 1B19 9AD6 17FF

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