Steve Bertrand iaccounts at ibctech.ca
Thu May 22 18:54:22 CEST 2008

Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> Hi!
>> Is there now IPv6 spam around ? If yes, I'll ASAP add IPV6
>> suppopt. But only list /48 prefixes or less. Or what do you
>> think ?
> I'm not sure whether there's already some v6 spam. But it sounds
> like we should start to think about processes/setups to curb it
> from the start.

There was a thread on either NANOG or v6ops-ietf (I can't remember) a 
couple of weeks back where numerous people stated they were receiving 
spam via IPv6.

If memory serves me correctly, one person claimed up to 50% of all email 
received via IPv6 was SPAM.

If I can find the thread, I'll post a link.

> My hope would be: If the defenses on v6 are started *before* spam
> start to flow, the spammers will not invest in v6 ?

On my box I've been working on, I've got SpamAssassin operating at this 

Once I move a couple of live domains on it, I'll be able to compare 
relative amounts of spam coming via each protocol.

> In the beginning, we could probably educate every single
> compromised IPv6 client etc ?



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