IPv6 PI allocation

Roger Jørgensen roger at jorgensen.no
Fri May 18 07:53:28 CEST 2007

On fre, mai 18, 2007 01:40, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
> Address-conservation is a non-goal, it doesn't matter, there really is
> plenty. There are 2^64 /64's. Even if we assigned only /32's to AS's,
> another policy which would reduce the routing table size in sillicon,
> there are still 2^21 of those publically assignable, probably enough to
> see is through the entire lifetime of IPv6 (though it's not a bet I'd be
> willing to take, overprovisioning by insane ammounts is a good idea).

actual no, there isn't all that many addresses. In total there is 2^128
addresses, then there is 2^64 that goes to the host-part.  Then we have
the network part, let's use /32 since that is what most people have. All
in all. That mean the total amount of network in IPv6 is 2^32 IF everyone
get a /32 but that's not the case. Not are the entire address space usable

We have 2^3 that goes away due to only 2000::/3 are usable for now, then
we have the difference between /32 and a /29 are the biggest prefix
assigned to anyone until today...

That leave us with 32-3-(32-29) = 26... the highest amount of network
available are something around 2^26. It's not _that_ many really.


Roger Jorgensen              | - ROJO9-RIPE  - RJ85P-NORID
roger at jorgensen.no           | - IPv6 is The Key!

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