I-D ACTION:draft-jabley-ipv6-rh0-is-evil-00.txt

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Tue May 8 01:48:57 CEST 2007

On 7-May-2007, at 19:04, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> See below.
> Very short though.
> I personally would rather see a "MUST drop packets containing RH0".

Indeed, I was mainly interested in building the framework; I was  
assuming that the working group would modulate the normative  
language, and I had already observed volunteers on this list offering  
text (but suggesting that a framework to slot it into would be useful).

Bob tells me that Pekka also has a draft in the pipeline, so perhaps  
we have a collision. But better two colliding drafts than no drafts  
at all :-)


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