Question about "proper" way to run v6/v4 website

Niels Bakker niels=cluenet at
Wed May 2 02:27:16 CEST 2007

* dougb at (Doug Barton) [Tue 01 May 2007, 23:47 CEST]:
> On Tue, 1 May 2007, Gert Doering wrote:
>> Specific example: if our customers use our recursive DNS service, 
>> our DNS *will* use v6 queries (if the target DNS server has v6 
>> connectivity), but about 95% of our customers do not have v6 
>> connectivity yet, so they would not be able to reach the destination.
> Since you and Matyas had basically the same question, I'll chose this 
> one to respond to. I actually have an answer to your question, but 
> first I have a question for you. What operational goal are you trying 
> to accomplish by configuring your DNS in that way? And no, this is not 
> a theoretical question. We are, as has been stated before, in a 
> transition period, and the transition isn't going to go any further 
> than it has (which isn't much) if we can't come up with real solutions 
> to the problems people are currently experiencing.

It seems like a no-brainer to me to configure a nameserver to have the 
ability to query using both address families as both are being used on 
the Internet today.

Responding with different answers in the face of a forwarding chain of 
unknown length sounds like a bad idea.  The same reason applies to 
answering differently based on source IPv4 address: not everybody uses 
the nameserver closest to them (think e.g. of corporate VPNs of 
enterprises spanning multiple countries).

	-- Niels.

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