IPv6 traffic data in Asian networks?

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Thu Mar 22 19:12:26 CET 2007

On Thursday 22 March 2007 19:45:41 JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> I don't agree, I get almost same RTT to IETF with IPv6 than IPv4, just a
> couple of milliseconds difference/average.
> I think when you have this problem with many sites, it may be a problem at
> your side, not the content providers side ?

It actually was a problem on IETF transit side. But anyway, the point is, for 
commercial website, it does not matter whose fault it is, it matter whether 
the website is reachable or not. Users tend to blame the website.

> Also don't agree about your statement for favoring IPv4, it depends on the
> OS policy table

The OS policy table is seldom customized to merge Teredo/6to4 with native. 
Most people do not even know what it is. I do have interest in Teredo getting 
adopted, but I still feel it should not be merged with native.

> and/or the applications when they ignore it.

If you use getaddrinfo(), you will not ignore it. That's an application bug 
that makes IPv6 websites even more likely to suffer reachability problems.

> I've looked at
> this in many scenarios, and is not like that. For example Opera in windows
> prefers Teredo if no other IPv6 connectivity is available, even if IPv4 is
> available.

Blame Opera. Normal people will blame the non-working websites.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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