IPv6 Killer Apps (Re: IPv6 traffic data in Asian networks?)

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Thu Mar 22 18:54:19 CET 2007

Francis Dupont wrote:
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>    FT DSL has native IPv6?
> => yes but it needs a router in place of the Livebox (the thing which
> provides the N+1 play, i.e., with IPv6 you get no phone, TV, etc).

That makes it quite useless to use it then IMHO. Better go for the
Phone&TV then and get a IPv6 tunnel for the IPv6.

>    Got a URL ?
> => do you read French? The URL is http://www.ipv6.wanadoo.fr/
> (look at for ADSLv6 is the text)

Ah, Wanadoo is part of FT, of course, different brands different names.
This one was already on the list :) Thought already that it would be
weird that I was missing out on one.

>    Lets hope that the IPv6'd Asterisk comes out soon; along with a IPv6
>    capable softphone...
> => oops, I believed it was already available...

As per http://www.asteriskv6.org/ not yet, nothing in Asterisk SVN yet
either :(

does detail that it should exist though. Marc any updates?
As this definitely is something very interesting to have.


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