Contact for AS3356 (Level3) - Leak at Uk6x (AS1752)

Bernhard Schmidt berni at
Wed Mar 14 23:38:32 CET 2007

On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 09:59:17PM +0000, Daniel Austin MBCS wrote:

Hi Daniel,

> AS1752 accept anything from anyone over uk6x (or at least did). 

I'm well aware of that. However, accepting anything from anyone on a
_peering_ is not the big problem (I guess most current peering session
are run that way, occasionally protected by a max-prefix setting),
reannouncing those paths to other peers is. Uk6x (like UPC/6830 and does not seem to have any understanding of
downstream/upstream/peering status, it is just a route-server.
Which would be fine for an exchange, if the route-server would only get
customer routes of the participants, not a fulltable.

> May be better to look at the hop ahead of it instead ;)

I did, this is why I was seeking a contact at L3 :-)

> We converted our AS1752 session over to peering, and just got their 
> internal prefixes - this may confuse people that believe they're getting 
> transit from AS1752.

You do get global reach by being single-homed behind 1752 today. Not
pretty, but there are paths, so I would say you get transit by Uk6x.
I just took a random prefix only visible behind 1752 and looked at the
paths visible for the big IPv6 players (the selection is just my
personal opinion):

2001:ba8::/32		3257 2497 2500 4697 6435 9541 1752 8943
			6175 6830 6830 6830 1299 1752 8943
			3356 6175 6830 6830 6830 1299 1752 8943
			2914 278 6435 9541 1752 8943
			1273 6830 6830 6830 6830 1299 1752 8943
			3549 18084 2500 4697 6435 9541 1752 8943

There are still way too many table swaps going on at the moment.

Anyone from Telia/1299 here? "6830 1299 1752 8943" looks fishy to me (at
least from the outside).


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