6to4 ?

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Mon Sep 11 13:08:22 CEST 2006

Carlos Friacas wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anybody know of any 6to4 gateways/relays outside Europe? is the trick. Anycasted thus you won't be able to find it 

For a list (don't know if it is maintained, but I guess the answer is 
no): http://www.kfu.com/~nsayer/6to4/#list

Do note that 6to4 is one of those very un-debugable protocols, when you 
have a problem with it, it will be very hard to actually find out where 
the problem is as it can be a simple route or misconfiguration in any of 
the 6to4 points back, and the big problem, back on the route the packets 

See: http://www.sixxs.net/tickets/?msg=tickets-407872 for a good 
example, fortunately some people have had to debug more of those setups 
before (Thanks Bernhard ;)

Depending on what kind of access you need, it is most likely smarter to 
use a Tunnel Broker (of course only when you can't get native :) as then 
traceability and debugging becomes much and much easier. You know who to 
ask for tunnel things...


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