Customer IPv6 range assignments.

Iljitsch van Beijnum iljitsch at
Wed Jul 26 22:49:15 CEST 2006

On 26-jul-2006, at 21:40, Stephen Fulton wrote:

> According to the ARIN documentation we've read, the standard  
> assignment to end-users (whether a single person or a large  
> corporation) should be a /48.  Regardless of the amount of address  
> space available with IPv6, this seems like an awful waste of  
> space.  I'm curious if this policy is still current, or have I mis- 
> interpreted the documentation?  Would we be breaking rules if we  
> assigned a /64 or /56 to a small client?

I don't think so, but you should check the rules so you don't run  
into trouble when you need more IPv6 space.

I understand there is movement in the direction of /56 in ARIN  
country, but I'm not sure how far along that is. Personally, I think / 
56 is a bad choice because it's still too much for most people and  
too little for enough people that will shoot themselves in the foot  
by trying with a /56 first that having /60 + /48 is better than  
having /56 for everyone.

But why don't you ask your customer how much they want?


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