N reasons for not deploying ipv6 (was: Re: [narten at us.ibm.com:PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN])

Pierfrancesco Caci ik5pvx at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 08:53:14 CEST 2006

On 4/18/06, Mohacsi Janos <mohacsi at niif.hu> wrote:
> Use Engine3 cards or later. They are working properly as you expect.
> Regards,

And this brings us back to the economics of deploying ipv6. Although
hardware has to be replaced anyway sooner or later, ditching all those
1-port STM-64 is not something that you can do lightheartedly. Sadly.

 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto: ik5pvx at gmail.com  -  http://www.caci.it
     Firenze - Italia     | Office for the Complication of Otherwise
Simple Affairs

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