v6 routing pessimism

Juha Suhonen juhas at mmd.net
Wed May 18 18:05:22 CEST 2005

On Wed, 18 May 2005, Nick Hilliard wrote:

> You know, it's always fun when traffic takes a slightly circuitous route 
> from A to B, but is it really necessary for ipv6 from dublin to 
> amsterdam to go:

> And before anyone starts pointing the finger at the immediate upstream 
> (AS2110), this goes well beyond any misconfiguration they might have.
> The AS path is a hilarious "2110 3549 11537 17579 1237 17832 24136 109 
> 109 6939 3257 3333" - ouch!

We "fixed" this same issue today for ourselves by filtering 
2001:610:240::/42 off - apparently somebody doesn't care about the 
"no-export" tag set by RIPE on all their peers.. Please, correct me if I'm 
wrong, but if you don't directly peer with RIPE you shouldn't see this 
more-specific prefix at all?

2001:610:240::/42  *[BGP/170] 1d 08:24:22, MED 50, localpref 90
                       AS path: 6667 3549 11537 17579 1237 17832 24136 109 109 6939 3257 3333 I
                     > to 2001:1430:0:1::2 via ge-1/3/0.5

.. goes away and is replaced by ..

2001:610::/32      *[BGP/170] 1w0d 16:48:24, MED 50, localpref 90
                       AS path: 3246 1103 I
                     > to 2001:1430::ffff:2 via ge-1/3/0.50

 	-- juhas

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