New RIPE allocations outside 2001::/16 - filter update time!

William F. Maton Sotomayor wmaton at
Mon May 2 17:49:18 CEST 2005

On Mon, 2 May 2005, Daniel Roesen wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 11:05:16AM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
>> To pick a "/48s are bad" advocate at random, the following are examples
>> of legitimate /48 advertisements from ARIN space that you might
>> consider permitting:
>> 2001:500::/48 -- F root nameserver
>> 2001:500:1::/48 -- H root nameserver
>> 2001:500:2::/48 -- C root nameserver
>> 2001:500:3::/48 -- L root nameserver
> Hm, I cannot see the last two anywhere floating around. Are they
> supposed to be visible currently?

Nor do I see any of these at the Federal GigaPOP, AS 2884.

Perhaps my upstream network is aggressively filtering /48's ....


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