IPv6 Address Planning

Roger Jorgensen rogerj at jorgensen.no
Tue Aug 9 21:11:36 CEST 2005

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Cody Lerum wrote:
> Here is our current plan, but we are looking for suggestions from people
> who have been down this road before. The plan is to break out a /48 for
> our organization. Then break out the first /64 for loopbacks, and the
> next /64 for point-to-point connections. The PTP /64 then breaks out
> further into 1 /80 for core links, and 1 /80 for each of our
> distribution sites. Within these /80's are individual /112's for PTP
> links. What this will allow us to do is aggregate each sites PTP
> connections into /80's within our IGP. 

Would strongly suggest you forget the idea of using /80 and /112, don't 
use anything smaller than /64. You might not see the need for it now but 
experience have thought me to respect the /64 boundary.


Roger Jorgensen              |
rogerj at stud.cs.uit.no        | - IPv6 is The Key!
http://www.jorgensen.no      | roger at jorgensen.no

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