Why used DHCPv6 when RA has RDNSS and DNSSL?

Philip Homburg pch-clue6ops-2 at u-1.phicoh.com
Thu Apr 2 12:17:13 CEST 2020

>> Independent of the prefix distribution mechanism, it may be worth revisit=
>> having a single /48 for an organisation of 40000 employees.
>Sure, but if we start handing out /40s like there's enough of them,
>eventually there won't be.

I find it weird that the IEEE manages to allocate a unique 48 bit MAC address
to each ethernet / wifi interface and that the RIRs would be unable to
allocate 40 bit unique numbers to companies with 40000 employes.

>> So having an address policy that would support a /64 per host makes sense=
> to
>> me.=20
>This is, interestingly enough, too big and too small at the same time.

Can you eleborate on the too small part.

Of course, we are talking about averages. There may be some big VM hosts
that may need more. Some simple devices may not need any /64.

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