v6 naming and shaming - *.europa.eu

Gert Doering gert at space.net
Wed May 18 16:11:42 CEST 2016


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 02:06:57PM +0000, Tim Chown wrote:
> > I'm specifically not asking about encouraging people who haven't deployed; rather people who have and who have broken or abandoned their efforts.
> Well, a not uncommon approach to discourage bad behaviour is to
> create an appropriate blacklist where offenders are added when such
> behaviour is observed, so that people can choose to use the blacklist,

That would be akin to the mentioned RPZ zone - which helps your local
users (good!) but effectively hides the real problem (bad).

Maybe just add such offendors to an RPZ zone that suppresses their IPv4
record, so it's "fix your IPv6 or die"?  Not really serious...

> But perhaps some public ???wall of shame??? might
> be a step towards that. The first question is how/whether you would
> detect / report such offenders in the first place; I would also
> hope cases are very rare.

And whether enough people care to actually get things fixed, then.


Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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