push apps failing in Android until you disable IPv6

Jeroen Massar jeroen at massar.ch
Sun May 1 13:49:30 CEST 2016

[yep, this is an off-topic comment, but partially it isn't as it does
affect deployability of IPv6 on a device that was build even as shortly
as a year ago...]

On 2016-05-01 03:20, Erik Kline wrote:
> A bug report, especially from a Marshmallow (or even N Developer
> Preview) device could be helpful.

Now if only all Android devices in the field could be actually upgraded
to the newest editions ;)

Indeed, not much Google can do about unless they start requiring that
(guaranteed updates in under a month for a device that has a max age of
say 5 years) from the vendors that use Android... that would be an
amazing step for Internet stability and more importantly security...

Don't think that will ever happen though as there is no money in that,
selling a new device is a great step though...


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