Samsung phones block WiFi IPv6 when sleeping, delayed notifications

Ross Chandler ross at
Wed Jun 10 14:10:32 CEST 2015

> On 10 Jun 2015, at 10:20, <erik.taraldsen at> <erik.taraldsen at> wrote:
>> I see that. I don’t think the problem is confined to Samsung or that it can be completed solved in isolation from fixing wireless AP router behaviour.
>> At the edge of the WiFi network I also see the IPv6 connectivity dropping while IPv4 stays up. I’ve a ZyXEL home router that sends periodic RAs every 15 seconds
>> and a Huawei home router that sends them every 1800 seconds.
> Any opinions on what a sane default value for what the RA interval should be?  I have not conserned myself with that interval before, but I see that the residential devices we ship are on a very low interval.
> --
> Erik Taraldsen

I think tweaking the periodic RA interval time is an inadequate hack made in an attempt to keep IPv6 connectivity up. 
It seems to me the correct approach is to have an RFC or otherwise clear guidelines for developers documenting how to optimise this for connectivity parity with IPv4 and device battery life on both the wireless AP router and wireless client.


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