IPv6-only residential service (MAP, lw4o6)

Jeroen Massar jeroen at massar.ch
Fri Dec 5 14:43:25 CET 2014

On 2014-12-05 14:30, Yannis Nikolopoulos wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm wondering, have people deployed IPv6-only residential services? I
> know of a couple of DS-lite implementations, but we'd be more interested
> to hear about network operators deploying either MAP or lightweight
> 4over6 (not just trials though, but actual commercial services)

There is a short question: does user user base have gamers?

If yes, then you won't be happy with the amount of helpdesk calls when
going that route. (and that is ignoring all the P2P users out there)

Quake used to be a great alert system for ISPs "there is latency!!!!" ;)


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