Over-utilisation of v6 neighbour slots

Benedikt Stockebrand bs at stepladder-it.com
Thu Oct 24 20:05:39 CEST 2013

Hi Daniel and list,

> Time for an AAPL user NAT tax? :)

that makes almost sense, but not quite.  What does make sense, from a
business point of view as well as from a technical one, is to charge
extra for IPv4 traffic simply because it is more expensive to process.

This approach doesn't easily fit into today's flatrate models, but in
the long run this should happen out of economic necessity.

We're not there yet, but I think it is a matter of time until ISPs start
to charge their customers a premium for IPv4 access.  All we need to
worry about is how to stay in business until then...



			 Business Grade IPv6
		    Consulting, Training, Projects

Benedikt Stockebrand, Dipl.-Inform.        http://www.stepladder-it.com/

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