Over-utilisation of v6 neighbour slots

Jen Linkova furry13 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 13:40:37 CEST 2013

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Benedikt Stockebrand
<bs at stepladder-it.com> wrote:
>> Shrug. People have them (in quantity) because they're cost effective
>> and did a mix of stuff that no other box did, that it turns out a lot
>> of people wanted, and in most cases tolerably well.
> the problem here is that with mobile devices getting increasingly
> popular, the design of the supervisor engine is outdated.  So I agree
> with James that "we have to cope with", where "we" is "the entire
> industry, including the router vendors".
> In my opintion the problem here is not so much Apple, but Cisco.  While
> I understand that CAM/TCAM is painfully expensive in hardware, in the
> long run increasing its size is the way to go.  On the Cisco side, the
> quick workaround may be a reliable expiration mechanism.

Seconded. Deleting the oldest STALE entries would do the trick and
might provide some protection from DoS.

SY, Jen Linkova aka Furry

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