Too-frequent change of privacy address / ND monitoring

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Mar 26 13:41:43 CET 2013

On 03/26/2013 12:29 PM, Marco Sommani wrote:
> Phil,
> when everything works according to standards, temporary addresses are
> regenerated just before the preferred lifetime times out, so you have
> the possibility to alter the frequency of renewals by changing the
> preferred-lifetime of the prefix in the Router-Advertisements. On a
> Cisco Router the command (to be issued under "interface") is:

Hmm. Of course. And our preferred/max lifetimes are short.

In that case, why aren't I observing this problem everywhere - for 
example, I have a windows box on a subnet with short pref/max times, and 
it keeps privacy addresses for 1 week.

Thanks - I'll try changing the pref/max times and see if the host 
behaviour changes.

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