Amount of announced IPv4-space by ASN not announcing IPv6?

Martin Millnert martin at
Thu Jul 11 10:15:51 CEST 2013

Dear friends of integers, appeared in an discussion on an IRC
channel recently, and it occurred to me that a crucial bit of
information is not available, namely "What is the total amount of IPv4
address space announced by ASNs which do (not) also announce IPv6?" (or
variants of).

Argument was around how large % of IP4v address space is owned by
long-tail ASNs, which have quite minor relevance to the major rolling
out of IPv6 in terms of absolute number of internet hosts covered

I have not seen this statistics reported anywhere, but I believe at
least one of our list members have the source data to produce this
information (hopefully with relative ease).

Best regards,
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