DHCPv6 Confirm in DOCSIS networks

John Jason Brzozowski jjmbcom at gmail.com
Sat May 19 16:06:12 CEST 2012

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Tore Anderson <
tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> * John Jason Brzozowski
> > Tore your CMTS could be dropping the CONFIRM message. I know of only >
> one CMTS that drops this type of message.  The Cisco 10K.
> The CMTS has a Cisco MAC address, so it seems likely that this is the
> reason why it doesn't work. Thanks - I'll discuss this with my provider.
[jjmb] there are some other things we should discuss offline, perhaps with
your provider that I imagine are of interest.  contact me at work if you
wish to discuss.

> > The operator probably has two separate DHCPv6 servers running for
> > redundancy.  As such, and in the absence of DHCPv6 failover support,
> > both servers will send an ADVERTISE.  Does one server have a higher
> > preference value than the other?
> No preference values are being transmitted in the ADVERTISE messages.
> Hmm. I've had my PD prefix change on me once already, and that's the
> probably the reason. Unlike my laptop, my HGW (a ZyXEL P2812) sends
> RELEASE once its WAN port goes down, and starts the DHCPv6 client state
> machine from scratch (with SOLICIT) once it comes back up. So I guess
> that would mean it's a coin's toss whether I get back the same prefix I
> had before, or if I get the prefix offered by the other DHCPv6 server.
> Which is rather problematic, as the ZyXEL doesn't handle LAN renumbering
> very well, so I get left with stale and non-working addresses from the
> old prefix on the hosts.
[jjmb] you should get your PD renewed, your operator may have to tweak some
CNR settings.  CNR has great support for IPv6.  I worked with that team
(include Bernie) over 6 years ago to  help put it there.

> Currently I only get only one ADVERTISE message though, so perhaps
> they're working on improving this as we speak.
[jjmb] perhaps or they have a separate, single server for IPv6.

> BTW, I found draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-redundancy-consider-02, very useful
> work that I'll pass along to my provider, thanks!
[jjmb] yup that is what they should use, I do.

> Best regards,
> --
> Tore Anderson
> Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

John Jason Brzozowski
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