DHCPv6 Confirm in DOCSIS networks

Tore Anderson tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com
Fri May 18 10:31:01 CEST 2012


* Ole Trøan

>> I understood from my provider that the likely cause was that their
>> Cisco CNR DHCPv6 server did not support DHCPv6 Confirm, and they
>> also pointed me to the following UNH-IOL document, which says
>> «Transmission of DHCPv6 Confirm message is not expected on a DOCSIS
>> WAN network»:
>> https://www.iol.unh.edu/services/testing/ipv6/grouptest/white_papers/CPE_IPv6_Test_Event_Whitepaper.pdf
> that's not quite what the document says.

It's a verbatim quote, see page 8. Do I understand it incorrectly?

> I'm probably at fault for why Confirm is a bit of an ugly duckling in
> access network, by stating in RFC3633 that Confirm isn't used for
> IA_PD (Renew is used instead). we're changing that with
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-troan-dhc-dhcpv6-stateful-issues-00
> in any case, CNR handles Confirm and when you only use IA_NA as you
> do, using Confirm is perfectly fine.

The Confirm was for IA_NA, indeed. Hadn't tested PD yet. So if the CNR
is supposed to support it, there must be some other reason why it
doesn't work. Hmm. I'll check back with my provider, thanks!

Best regards,
Tore Anderson
Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com

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