Dear Akamai, you got a /32 there not a bunch of /48s - how to break Facebook and annoy lots of users

"Roger Jørgensen" roger at
Mon Aug 20 22:42:29 CEST 2012


> As for whether we should deaggregate PA space, I'm afraid that decision is
> already made.  We are not asking for 1000+ /32s from the RIRs, and there
> really isn't another good solution to this problem AFAIK.  We are not
> trying to cause problems, but we have constraints in which we must work as
> well.
> If this does not fit your view of how the world should work, I am afraid
> we shall have to agree to disagree - unless you can come up with a better
> solution than asking for 1000+ /32s.

there is another way to look at this, consider geobased routing... but
that's like swearing in any church/temple.

Not to forget it will likely create atleast a dozen other issues we have
to deal with... like how and who should manage it, and how should it be
routed etc. Someone will either way have to carry the "covering" prefix
for any region. But who said moving mountains (or moving the wind) should
be easy?

Either way, it is another way to look at this :-)

Roger Jorgensen      | - ROJO9-RIPE  - RJ1866P-NORID
roger at   | - The Future is IPv6

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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