Test your connectivity for World IPv6 Day

Dan Oachs doachs at gac.edu
Fri May 27 23:37:49 CEST 2011

Thanks for all the responses.  Turns out my issue had to do with Level3 
and the Northern Lights GigaPop.  They shut down their ipv6 peering with 
Level3 and my traffic started taking a working route again.

Also thanks again for the website.  Hopefully this will help make IPv6 
Day smoother.

         Dan Oachs
         Gustavus Adolphus College

On 05/27/2011 02:29 PM, Dan Oachs wrote:
> Anyone else seeing problems getting to the ipv6 version of 
> FreeBSD.org, IETF.org and a couple of others?  My traceroutes die 
> after about 5 hops somewhere on he.net's network I believe.
> Thanks for the nice website.  Without these tests I would have never 
> known we had an issue connecting to some of them via IPv6.
>     Thanks,
>         Dan Oachs
>         Gustavus Adolphus College

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