www.freebsd.org via ipv6 not reachable ?

Phil Pennock ipv6-ops+phil at spodhuis.org
Thu Jun 23 11:28:16 CEST 2011

On 2011-06-23 at 09:28 +0200, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
> It's no longer reachable ? Any ideas ?

Report it to ISC's NOC desk; I've had this exact issue with other hosted
sites at ISC in the past; twice, I think, though I can only find one RT
ticket in a 30 second email archive search.

I think it's <noc at isc.org> the ticket I can find was about
mozilla.isc.org.  Poor service monitoring over IPv6 seems to be a
recurring theme at ISC, but then they've been doing IPv6 for far longer
than most, so have gotten to experience the worst of the pain for us.

Anyone have recommendations for *good* network and service monitoring
software which cleanly handles IPv6 integration, as alternate IPs to
existing services?  And scales?


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