mail filtering based on reverse DNS (was: Re: IPv6 Hackers mailing-list)

Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at
Tue Aug 9 18:36:26 CEST 2011

On Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

> On Aug 9, 2011, at 4:17 PM, Bj?rn Mork wrote:
>> Anyway, if you reject mail from IPv6 addresses without reverse DNS
>> today, then you are guaranteed to reject legitimate mail.  One might
>> even question the usefulness of reverse IPv6 DNS as a low score spam
>> rule.  There are just too many matching legitimate sources.
> If one operates a legitimate mail server and is unable to provide any reverse
> mapping for the v6 address I seriously do not care to not accept his email as
> it's clearly not operated in a professional manner.

Agreed.  However sometimes it is easy to forget to register reverse 

Best Regards,
 		Janos Mohacsi

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