IPv6 site snapshot

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Wed Apr 27 22:25:42 CEST 2011

	So, some further research here.

	1) Appears there is a FreeBSD bug with getaddrinfo() when it queries for AAAA when it points to a cname.


	2) I have run a query of the 1000K hosts on FreeBSD, and it is coming back with those errors, but I still have made the files available, one a fully compressed file and another that is uncompressed with just the errors.


	3) I am running the query again on a non-broken host (Linux), hopefully there will be no problems there.  It may take a few hours to get a full set of results.

	A few sample results. - format: hostname|ipv4+ipv6 ips|v4 nameserver result|v6 nameserver result

-- snip --
www.capitalone.com.||OK|Temporary failure in name resolution
www.kitco.com.||OK|Temporary failure in name resolution
www.priceline.com.||OK|Temporary failure in name resolution
-- snip --

	4) I have this application that does the bulk queries that will be shared shortly.  I'm still finding a few portability bugs, but it does a good job of abusing a nameserver.  I've done some testing on FreeBSD [os broken], Linux and Solaris.

	- Jared

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