IPv6 in the enterprise

S.P.Zeidler spz at serpens.de
Thu Apr 21 08:16:46 CEST 2011

Thus wrote Simon Leinen (simon.leinen at switch.ch):

> Mark Smith writes:
> > sthaug at nethelp.no wrote:
> >> However, we expect a significant number of (primarily) servers to
> >> have static addresses and a statically configured next hop, using a
> >> GUA.
> > Who is in the "we" group your are talking about?
> I'll join Steinar here... a significant number of servers is configured
> this way today for IPv4, which will make it attractive for at least some
> admins to do it that way.  I'm not saying this is "right", but people
> will tend to stick with the (possibly broken) ways they have done things
> for years.  And in this case I can see some benefits:

So can I. I've got a resolver that changed hardware three times in
the past 6 months and fixing up the address wherever it appears is getting

spz at serpens.de (S.P.Zeidler)

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