I-D Action:draft-azinger-scalable-addressing-00.txt

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Mon Sep 27 23:33:11 CEST 2010

On 9/27/2010 2:30 PM, S.P.Zeidler wrote:
> Thus wrote Doug Barton (dougb at dougbarton.us):
>> [...] even in IPv6-topia there will still
>> be renumbering due to organizational changes (e.g., mergers and
>> acquisitions)
> Small nit: you get Real Fun with a company split, not with a merger.

Heh, good point. I was part of being acquired twice, and was on the 
teams that DID the acquiring several times; but never had to do a split. 
I'll add that to my list, thanks. :)



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