Monitoring IPv6

Jeroen Massar jeroen at
Thu Sep 2 10:50:45 CEST 2010

On 2010-09-02 10:47, Chris Nicholls wrote:
> Hello all,
> Congrats to XS4ALL :)
> I'm having a hard time finding solid monitoring solutions for our v6
> deployment, we currently use a mixture of systems with the dominate
> being nagios.  
> Does anyone have any light they can shed on monitoring topics. past
> experience, what has worked well in other deployments, etc... 

See NANOG for a lot of similar "I want a monitor" questions, and their
answers, which either are a list of tools that people like, own, support
or sell, or the better answer: what do you want to monitor.
Especially as that includes the type of devices/hosts that you want to
monitor and what properties of them you want to look at and in which way.

In the end you most likely end up either mixing up a bunch of tools or
something that you build yourself.


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