Mysterious missing DHCPv6 feature, was Re: How does one obtain an IPv6 DNS server when VPNing to an ASA?

Paul Timmins paul at
Thu May 27 18:14:37 CEST 2010

Sam Wilson wrote:
> On 27 May 2010, at 16:38, Gert Doering wrote:
>> But thanks for agreeing that it's hard to find a scenario that backs
>> the claim "with RA+DHCP, I need to touch many more places than with
>> DHCP-only".
> 100% more places.  Anyone care to define whether that's "many" or not?
How are you changing what the subnet is in IPv4 with DHCP? Don't you 
still need to log into the router to assign a secondary address, or 
change the primary address of the interface? If so, you're right, on a 
cisco that's two commands instead of one.. gotta change the IP address 
AND change the ipv6 nd prefix xxxxxx/64

So much more work and management headache!

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